Hello everybody,
great news, this year I will be able to attend the VMworld for the first time, held from 11.09 until 14.09.2017 in Barcelona. Last year visitor count was about 20000 and Empire of The Sun was rocking the vmworld party :).
I am looking forward to take part at some fascinating speeches, speak with experts and investigate the newest innovations in the vmware universe.
Besides that I am very interested in discoverning the newest products from this years sponsors like Dell EMC, Intel, Veeam, Fortinet, Nvidia and QNAP.

Twitter will be used during the event.
After the exhibiton you will get a full report about the key facts, also I will try to take some nice pictures.
Maybe there will be an participation in an other big event, stay tuned for another disclosure.
Best regards,
Nicolas Frey