VCAP6-DCV Design its a pass

Hi there,

after passing the VCAP Deploy exam, I successfully passed the VCAP Design exam. Thereby I am now VSphere Certified Implementation Expert Data Center Virtualization 6. (VCIX6-DCV)

Furthermore I tinker with the idea of completing the data center track. Which requires a vast expenditure both monetary and time consuming. The requirement is to successfully submit and defend an original design in front of a panel of experts. In Europe this is just possible in Staines, UK.

This process is far more complex than any other exam that exists in the IT universe. Currently there are just 264 VCDX certified people around the world, collectively over all tracks.

Along the way I prepare myself for the NCDA – Netapp Certified Data Administrator certification. Due to my participation at Insight 2017 in Berlin last week I know Netapp and Clustered Ontap will keep me occupied over the next years too. Really awesome data fabric features that will shape both private and public clouds.

BR, Nicolas Frey

VCAP 6 Deploy – it’s a pass!

Last year in 2016 I was able to pass the VCP 6 which is just multiple choice and no big deal.

Some weeks ago I managed, after hard practise in my own vSphere 6 LAB, to pass the VCAP 6 Datacenter Deploy exam.








Despite the annoying high latency and other restrictions I made a whopping 377/500 points :). Next I am going to schedule the VCAP 6 Datacenter Design exam. After passing this gem, I will be able to call myself VMWare Certified Implementation Expert.


Feel free to ask questions regarding my lab preperation.

BR, Nicolas Frey