These lines will give you a glimpse overview what it meant to participate in this years Mammutmarsch Berlin. Furthermore I will share some pictures taken during the run and overall insights.
It was not my first attempt to finish 100 km in under 24 hours. I painfully remember the other ones in 2017 and 2018 both starting in Munich. One was successful the other one in 2018 was not. We had to quit due to stomach problems near finish in Austria at kilometer ~80. Funnily enough I remember myself saying I will never do it again – that was a lie.
Starting conditions
Really nice starting conditions, had to take the train/bus to the official start. Perfect temperature and mindset.

This time we were five participants – our new friends from Berlin took their first shot at the challenge.
Not much to say about that, we started in the afternoon @ Südpark Berlin. Right into the pure nature.
Pictures say more than a thousand words …

Take really comfortable hiking shoes and no running gear. Try out your gear by walking at least 40 km prior to the challenge. If there are issues – change equipment.
Don’t overload yourself, just pick the items you urgently need.
Coffee – ultra important. Will give you super powers after that long night.
Confirmed again that its just a mind game. Despite exhaustion and heavy pain it’s possible to reach the finish line. Just don’t give up!
Know when it’s enough – after three participations I won’t do it again.
Wish you all the best!